The Three Marks of Existence
“[The Three Marks of Existence] is an analysis of the First Noble Truth, the doctrine of dukkha. The three characteristics simply provide a more detailed explanation of what is meant by dukkha, and in what sense our unenlightened experience of the world is one of suffering, frustration, or unsatisfactoriness.”
All things in the human realm bear the three marks of existence, which are impermanence, suffering or disappointment (as we discussed before), and not-self. This merits some explanation. Impermanence should remind us of our previous discussion of our favorite event, and knowing it has to end. You cannot have your cake and eat it, too. If you eat the cake, it will be gone. With the cake of life, you don’t really have any choice. Time passes constantly whether you like it or not, and each new moment brings the possibility of new things and new experiences, some of which you will enjoy, some of which you’ll hate, and some of which you’ll hardly notice. If you’re happy, this may make you sad, knowing your happiness will end, but if you’re depressed, this may cheer you up, knowing your depression will end. The ultimate goal of Buddhism is to achieve a steady state of joy that does not depend on external circumstances. This is possible.
It is helpful to recall that some things change faster than others. Your breath changes constantly. If you are alive, you are always either inhaling new air, or exhaling used air. The…