I Should Not be Doing This

William B. Turner
2 min readOct 13, 2022
The Buddha

I should not be writing this.

You should not be reading it.

We should all just stop and realize that we are already awake. Stop reading and thinking about it and just be it.

Easier said than done. Not what the Buddha did. After he left the palace, he first learned the most advanced meditation techniques anyone knew about at the time, but they did not allow him full awakening.

So he spent several years as an ascetic, torturing himself in hopes of eliminating all desire.

That did not work. He said afterward that no one should do that. Lucky us.

Only then did he sit down under a tree and spend the night meditating, coming to full awakening in the morning.

He then spent the remaining fifty years of his life teaching anyone who would listen what he had realized.

Apparently, there is no single word or phrase that can instantly convey the message of the Buddha.

Lots of people have emulated the Buddha in their own ways since then by establishing monasteries and meditation centers.

Red State Vihara will be a Buddhist meditation center where anyone can learn to meditate and practice meditation, in long retreats if they want. It will house monks and nuns who have chosen to devote their lives to awakening.

You may help make this happen by donating here. Thanks to everyone who has already donated.

Meanwhile, keep up your consistent meditation practice.

