Help, Please

William B. Turner
1 min readJul 7, 2024

I really hate doing this, but the straits, they are dire. I really do live a somewhat monk like existence, with very little income, and I just moved, so I am currently sleeping on the floor until I can buy a new futon. I have a regular, small income, but moving always costs money and there is never much left after I pay the bills.

Apparently, to this day, Buddhist monks in southeast Asia subsist on donated food. The Buddha started the rule that they should eat only one meal per day, which I do because I am usually not hungry until late afternoon.

But, if I were to walk down the street with a begging bowl, no one here would understand what I was doing. Giving food to monks is not a common practice in our culture, so it is really not a viable means of survival.

So, today, I ask anyone who reads this, and has the means, to donate to help defray the costs of my recent move. You may do so at the usual spot.

Thank you for your generosity.

